Alumna Spotlights


katie watke

School/Graduation Year: COL ‘22

Major: Chinese, Justice & Peace Studies

Line: Chanel Miller

What are you currently doing in life?

I am an ESL teacher at a primary school in Shenzhen, China.

What is your favorite part about your current endeavors?

I absolutely adore my students. They are all smart and very energetic, so no two days are the same. It feels like I'm constantly on one great adventure!

Favorite DPE Memory?

At the start of 2021, I was recruitment chair, and we had all just wrapped up Decision's Brunch. It was such a long meeting that afterward me and my lovely Delta Mom, Amritha Ramalingam (the loml), decided the only thing left to do was prank call our new deltas. We told them that there was an urgent problem with their application and that they needed to resolve it asap. When they called us back, we then surprised them with the news and welcomed them to the sorority. It was the first time I got to talk with them all as new sisters, and I'll never forget all the laughter and love I was lucky enough to share with them that day. (I love you, my darling Angelas!) So, really it's not just my favorite DPE memory, but also my favorite COVID era memory, because it reminds me that you can build and maintain a community even when everyone is far apart.

How did DPE help you after graduation?

The friends and sisters I've found in DPE have continued to be an incredible source of support and cheer since I've moved to China. Sisters who moved abroad at the same time as me would reach out just to check in and offer advice when needed. I'm so, so thankful for them and for all of my sisters.

Tips for current sisters and/or recent graduates?

Have confidence in yourself! When it comes to building your network or getting what you want from your professional life, be brave. My biggest regret from Georgetown is all the time I wasted chickening out of conversations or professional opportunities. Ask questions! You can even make a list of them before you go in for an interview or a coffee chat. I have never once regretted asking a question in an interview, but I have regretted not asking enough questions. And finally, take time for yourself and find a hobby. My big gave me a bullet journal for my induction, and I turned it into a collection of poems, art, doodles, and general tomfoolery. It's a great way to check in with myself, especially after a hard day or week (which, on that, also learn to let the bad stuff go~ but that's just some teacher advice ;)).

Fun fact:

I've wanted to live and work in China since I was eight years old, so I am simultaneously gobsmacked and over the moon that I actually did it. Follow your dreams loves <3

Final wise words:

I've been missing this community so much since I graduated. So seniors, my advice to you is to go hug your sisters just a little bit tighter these next coming months <3

ALexandra Brunjes

School/Graduation Year: COL ‘20

Major: Neurobiology

Line: Frida

What are you currently doing in life?

Working at Palantir (I started in December!), going out in NYC, traveling a little (had a business trip in Denver + went to Mardi Gras in February), reading a book about epigenetics, planning my summer.

What is your favorite part about your current endeavors?

I feel like my job is making a tangible difference in the world.

Favorite DPE Memory?

Induction, wine nights, and leading GBMs my senior :)

How did DPE help you after graduation?

Friendships! And I always know that I have people to reach out if I have questions or need advice – I can always rely on DPE girls :)

Tips for current sisters and/or recent graduates?

Take it one day at a time, focus on the current moment (not just future goals), and remember that your full to do list will never be complete, so you should take time for yourself – the whole "work later tonight so that your next day is easier" rarely makes a lasting impact (especially at work). Do something for yourself every day. Ask questions, focus on the small joys, and reach out to DPE girls if you have questions!

Fun fact:

I have two little tattoos haha (everybody thinks I’m lying when I say this)