Courtney Mawet and claire wang

Q: If you could take a gals vacation to anywhere in the world, where would it be?

A: Hanoi or Singapore!

Q: If you had to be a famous duo, who would you be?

A: Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg

Q: What is your favorite thing about the other person?

Claire: My favorite thing about Courtney is that she is deeply loyal and mature friend, with a silly goofy side underneath. I know Courtney will always have my back, and I trust her for guidance. She cares deeply, and I think that shared trait is what makes us a great duo ;) Also, she's just a silly girl with quippy jokes and will always surprise you with her talents (she was once part of the circus lol).

Courtney: My favorite thing about Claire is how reliable and incredible of a friend she is. she has her silly moments and is always down to be goofy or have fun, but at the end of the day, she is a true friend i count on for honesty, support, thoughtful conversations, and warmth. our friendship is one of the things i am most grateful for out of joining DPE! <3


Alexis Nguyen and Sneha Selvaraj

Q: If you had to be a famous duo, who would you be?

A: Seb Stan and Anthony Mackie

Q: If you could switch bodies, what is the first thing you would do as the other member of the duo?

Alexis: I would go to GUAFSCU just to see what it’s like to work there lol

Sneha: I’d go to Florida hehe

Q: What is your favorite thing about the other person?

Alexis: I love everything about Sneha, but specifically how outgoing and bubbly she always is!

Sneha: It’s hard to pick a favorite thing about Alexis, but I love her smile!


Ema Bargeron and Daniella Passariello!

Q: If you had to guess, how would your duo go viral on the Internet?

A: We would have a viral cooking channel, but with an Australian cooking channel vibe! We baking and chilling :)

Q: If you had to be a famous duo, who would you be?
A: Ann Perkins and Leslie Knope orrrrr the Beveragina girls!

Q: What is the favorite thing about the other person?

Emma: Daniella is incredibly intentional and deliberate with her actions. She thinks before she speaks and she’s so wise. I’m so grateful to have her presence in my life!

Daniella: The way Ema carries herself is incredibly inspiring. She is always genuinely herself and I admire that so much. In everything she does, Emma will bring her entire self and you see it. She brightens up the room every time and that is what made me love her when I went through recruitment!!


Susanna Blount And Robin Huang

Q: If you could take a gals trip to anywhere in the world, where would it be?

A: Singapore because Robin would know exactly where to go, also a national parks road trip!

Q: If you were a famous duo, who would you be?

A: Kourtney (Susanna) and Khloe (Robin) Kardashian!!

Q: What is your favorite thing about your fellow sister?

Susanna: My favorite thing about Robin is that she has the exact perfect combination of chaos and competence and we literally have ALL the same interests. Also she sends me really good tiktoks!

Robin: My favorite thing about Susanna is that her life is so so together (Susanna wants everyone to know that this in not actually the case)!